You owned a car for four years. You named him Thanos car. And then You totaled him. You two had been through everything together. 6 Infinity Stones, 12 chin lines, nothing could replace Thanos car. And then Liberty Mutual calls, and you break into your e🅱️ic fortnite dance 😎

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This is Ma Poetry

Welcome to the Pit

There is a place I speak of not. There is a place where all things rot. The Beasts will kill you, if there you’re caught. Welcome, to the Pit. No need to fret, no need to fear, for of that place we are not near. But if off the lightened path you veer, Don’t think the Pit won’t find you. There is a place where Dark things walk. There is a place that sways and rocks. Here your soul is trapped and locked. Pray It never takes you.

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